Lorde California (Terjemahan) Lyrics

p Are you looking for Lorde lyrics for song California (Terjemahan)? You've come to the right place. California (Terjemahan) is a song played by Lorde. /p pOnce upon a time in Hollywoodbr Dahulu kala di Hollywoodbr When Carol called my namebr Saat Carol memanggil namakubr I stood up, the room exploded, and Ibr Aku berdiri, ruangannya meledak, dan akubr Knew that's it, I'll never be the samebr Aku tahu, aku tak akan menjadi sama lagibr That's when the doors swung openbr Itulah saat pintu terbuka br And the voice said: We're glad you camebr Dan suara berkata: Kami senang kamu datangbr Now I've spent thousands on you, darlingbr Sekarang aku menghabiskan ribuan denganmu, sayangbr Oh, the hotels and the jets and I'd pay it all againbr Oh, hotel-hotel dan jet-jet dan aku akan membayarnya lagibr To have your golden body back in my bedbr Tuk berdampingan dengan tubuh emasmu di tempat tidurkubr But I don't miss the poison arrows aimed directly at my headbr Tapi aku tak melewatkan panah racun yang ditujukan langsung padakubr Goodbye to all the bottles, all the modelsbr Selamat tinggal botol-botol, semua modelbr Back to the clouds in the skies in a whole new waybr Kembali ke awan di langit di jalan yang barubr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Oh, once upon a time the Canyon storebr Oh, dahulu kala di toko Canyonbr Was where my world beganbr Di mana duniaku dimulaibr All that mystery and beauty gleaned from desert flowers and gifted childrenbr Semua misteri dan kecantikan didapatkan dari bunga padang pasir dan anak-anak berbakatbr But it got hard to grow up with your cool hand around my neckbr Tapi mulai sulit untuk tumbuh dengan tangan dinginmu di leherkubr Now in my hometown, sunbathingbr Sekarang di tanah kelahiranku, berjemurbr My girlfriends and my babybr Kekasihku dan sayangkubr But every time I smell tequilabr Tapi setiap aku mencium tequillabr God, it goes up in my mind againbr Tuhan, aku memikirkannya lagibr Goodbye to all the bottles, all the modelsbr Selamat tinggal botol-botol dan semua modelbr Back to the kids in the lines for the new Supremebr Kembali menjadi anak-anak yang mengantri di Supremebr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr Don't want that California lovebr Tak ingin cinta Californiabr It's just a dreambr Ini hanya mimpibr (Hmm) It's just a dreambr (Hmm) Ini hanya mimpibr (Hmm) It's all just a dreambr (Hmm) Ini hanya mimpibr (Hmm) I wanna wake up, I wanna wake upbr (Hmm) Aku ingin bangun, Aku ingin bangun/p

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